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Post by rocks2dust »

Although I'm sure he's been spending time at the mountain cabin, the protests in Hong Kong seem to be getting more serious by the day, so was wondering how Kurt (KKHK) is faring through this?

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Re: Kurt?

Post by PinkDiamond »

I don't know, but I've been wondering that myself, and this morning when I logged in I noticed he was here, so I looked forward to hearing how his gaming escapades went, and the house he's refurbishing, but apparently he didn't have anything to say to us so I was quite disappointed since he's been on my mind lately, too. :?
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Re: Kurt?

Post by KKHK »

I'm so sorry, having neglected all the forums.
Just saw Pinks private message on coming in (notifications of new posts go to an email that I rarely use, so when I open single notifications are hopelessly lost)

May I put your mind to ease,
I was in Austria as the whole thing flared up in June, and was not really affected since returning.
Please do not take your TV coverage to serious. I hear fabolous things from Europe and Australia on nearly daily basis.
Fabolous, as TV coverage uses real events, and then uses that coverage on auto repeat for a hundred different reports.
Yes, at times there where a good million people on the street (including today), but those mass marches, never have resulted in any form of violence and/or confrontation with police. Its the smaler marches/"protest" (at times less than a hundred people, that look on TV like there are thousands) that result in those actions of a few radical idiots. Will not blame students, or police for those, as I/no one can be sure if they belong to, or are paid for, by the police or people organising the students.
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Re: Kurt?

Post by KKHK »

If there are questions about our situation here right now, feel free to ask for a local opinion for and against both sides . Will check in daily to see if there is interest on the subject.
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Re: Kurt?

Post by PinkDiamond »

Anyone who believes that what's fed to the public here is real news hasn't been out of the country when something major happened, and then returned to find a totally different story being spun to the public here that didn't even make sense, so I, for one, am definitely interested in hearing about what's really going on since you're getting the real story.

I'm delighted to see you and am glad you are well. Hope all is well on the home front, and with the cabin. Oh, and how did you do on that game you were working on? :)
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Re: Kurt?

Post by SwordfishMining »

Glad to hear you are not affected. I don't know if you can get China Uncensored, but that seems to be the most thorough coverage Ive seen so far. We are wishing HK is kept out of the CCP controls used on the mainland, we really do. I can understand the governemnt can see freedom as a virus and can't be allowed in to spread faster than the news of whats the Uighar situation.
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Re: Kurt?

Post by KKHK »

The original problem was created because of an Extradition Bill tabled for approval through our cabinet. A law that we need on one hand, and yet is easely abused. We need the law in order to ensue we are not a safe heaven for real criminals. But, the fear is that people undully accused by China would be repatriated uppon their demand. In history, Hong Kong has been a safe breedingground for unrest in China for a good 200 years.

At that time, personally my loyality was split and could not really decide whom I should favor. I can simply understand both sides. Police lost round one in June, as their handling of demonstrators allowed for a huge media circus. And whoever was behind the orders to storm the police lines understood his playbook very well, giving ample opportunity to paint our police as bleak as possible.

The bill was shelved, and within days, declared death. So, students (organisers) ignored their winn and went in for the kill, demanding that our political representative to China to step down for submitting a bill without asking HK public first.

It is absolutely clear at this point, that this is not going to happen as long as our politicians are not entangled in personal embarasments. China will never allow that to happen. Just imagine how much power they would loose the moment people can force their own way. On a small scale: we all know whats going to happen when we give in to our kids demands. Rules need to be set in stone, or it never stops!

Then came the rally in July. Lots of people on the street the whole day. No problem. The late afternoon, a small fraction suddenly storms the Legislature Building (smaller equivalent to house of congress). Breaking things, and defacing the building inside out. The police backed up, still reeling from how they where portrayed a month earlier. Giving notice to everyone that they would clear the streets by midnight. Students (or whoever organised the people amongst the students) used every single minute until midnight to do as much damadge as they could. Police came, carrying warningsigns of teargas to be used imminently. AND cleared the whole situation up in less than 15 minutes, without a single injury (besides a few sideeffects from teargas for those dumb enough to ignore all the warnings).

I watched life reports on that, at the time on locat TV. I was impressed by the the police handling the situation. They had certainly learned not to fall into the same trap twice. It was fun to watch, how quickly CNN and a few others switched their reporters on site. The reporters that spoke harshly against the police actions the whole day, where off air as soon as it became clear that police where handling the situation in a splendit and effective manner.

Basically, that day, for me and many others, the students cause was lost. The moment they allowed violence into their ranks, they lost the goodwill of most people here. Not only do HK people in general want nothing to do with violence, but we know all too well what could follow.

Since then, "protest marches" are going on on a near daily basis. People participate to remind China that we care and remember what was aggreed at the time of the handover. Getting millions of people on a peacefull march, is a much stronger message to Bejjing, than any form of violence will ever achieve. Violence only justifies Chinas interference in Hong Kong matters.

Would not really know what happened yesterday, as I dont follow the "News". But in absence of getting anything new really, I suppose the gathering yesterday (the largest yet) went without any real incitend between demonstrators and police, as they usually do.

Its a small fraction of organised people, that creates violence and confrontation. As there is no way to know for sure, and those people have their own agenda. If they act on behalf of government or Students can not be determined at this moment in time, as both parties are able and willing to play the media war. We do know nearly for certain by now, that the original violence was "paid" for by interest groups behind the students. They litterally paid to have their own people beat up (that was nearly 2 months ago). Since then the lines have become very blurred.

I suppose, the world media has shown litterally a million people on the street from yesterday, mixed with confrontations from the past. AND used the confrontations of the past as basis for their reports. Any and all reporting about China or their Military standing on high alert is utter nonsense at this time. China will keep out of Hong Kong for now until the world litterally tells them to intervene. Right now, China is watching, and I suppose, hoping that things get worse than they are, as then, they would not only have the right, but also the worlds approval to intervene. As per aggreement, Chinese Military is stationed in Hong Kong since 1997. But we virtually never see them, as they keep confined to baracks (just as the British did).

Demonstrations and unrest is happening in a few districts throughout HK, but does not really affect, or physically endanger any of us. The only direct effect thus far is economic. Lots of people have lost income because of that useless nonsese.

Fact is: we are part of China. Laws have changed over time since the handover. Lots of small things are already in effect. But the majority of people have no clue about it because it will only become apperant when they are actually enforced. Things need to change gratually until full integration comes along, regardless if we like it or not. Do I personally like the picture forming? NOPE, I do not. But things will happen faster if those idiots (violent actors) get the chance to aggrevate further.
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Re: Kurt?

Post by rocks2dust »

Thanks Kurt. That aligns with what I've been following from major news outlets here. The big protests have been non-violent, while the more violent acts have been small groups, with speculation that at least some of these have been government agents attempting to provide pretexts for a violent intervention/crackdown.

There does appear to be an increase of military, but remaining outside Hong Kong itself for now. And you are correct that China has been pushing changes to align with PRC norms ever since repatriation. However, people and businesses stayed in Hong Kong because of the 2-systems guarantees that are supposed to remain in effect until 2047, with the freedoms that don't exist on the mainland. It is good that the peaceful people came out in such numbers to assert their rights when China continues to push hard to annul the agreement.
Last edited by rocks2dust on Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kurt?

Post by PinkDiamond »

Yes, Fox's report also mirrored yours and they showed that huge number of people peacefully demonstrating with dignity, which was quite impressive, and done properly as it should be. I appreciate you filling us in and hope the students can be reasoned with and will understand that violence only begets violence, and you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Thanks so much Kurt, and please keep us posted. I'm glad to hear there's no ill effect on you and your situation, and hope it stays that way. :)
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Re: Kurt?

Post by PinkDiamond »

I'm posting this here so Kurt will hopefully see it and let us know how this goes, because things aren't looking good right now and a lot of people who used to go to the show are afraid to go this year. :?

Hong Kong Riots Cast Cloud over Show
Aug 13, 2019 5:17 AM By Joshua Freedman


"RAPAPORT... Diamond traders have raised concerns ahead of next month’s Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, as mass protests have caused chaos and dented local demand.

The show will still take place as planned, organizers Informa Markets confirmed to Rapaport News Friday. However, access to the venues is currently difficult, according to dealers, who are pinning their hopes on unrest in the city receding by the time the event begins on September 16.

“You don’t know where to go in Hong Kong right now,” said Vincent Yiu, director of Hong Kong-based Brilliant Trading Company, which plans to exhibit at the fair. “There are protesters literally in all areas. If it happened today, I don’t think the show would be good.” The riots are likely to calm down when protesters return to school and university in September, he added.

Anti-government demonstrations began in June, and have developed into large-scale civil disobedience across the city center, including near the show venues.

Hong Kong International Airport suspended departures for periods of Monday and Tuesday, after campaigners held a sit-in lasting several days. The site, as well as being the main entry point for visitors, is located next to AsiaWorld-Expo, where the loose-diamond exhibition will run from September 16 to 20.

Activists and police officers have also clashed near the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre in the Wan Chai area, which will host the jewelry section of the show from September 18 to 22.

“The impact [of the protests] is very, very negative,” said Ephraim Zion, founder of Hong Kong-based high-end jeweler Dehres. “Sentiment is very, very bad. We don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve already been informed by a few clients that they’re not coming [to the exhibition]. The show will happen no matter what, [but] I expect very few people to come.”

Zion said he wouldn’t attend the show if it were today, but ... "

https://www.diamonds.net/News/NewsItem. ... ver%2bShow
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