Understanding the Fossil Context

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Understanding the Fossil Context

Post by SwordfishMining »

Here's some reading: hawaii.edu

Describe how the Age of Wonder advanced scientific inquiry and helped develop modern anthropological methods.
Identify the different types of fossils and describe how they are formed.
Discuss relative and chronometric dating methods, the type of material they analyze, and their applications.
Describe the methods used to reconstruct past environments.

way down in there
"""Archaeologists can then compare wood artifacts with existing timelines and find where their artifacts fit in the pattern.

This method, however, is not foolproof. Growth can be interrupted so that tree rings do not correspond exactly with the tree’s age. Micro-climates and tree species variation can also alter growth patterns. However, dendrochronologists can work around these issues using multiple samples, statistical analysis, and calibration with other dating methods. Additionally, for this method to work, the artifact must be preserved well enough to have visible tree rings to analyze. The results of the analysis will tell you an approximate time that the tree lived. To know exactly when the tree was cut down, the outer rings and bark should be present. But despite these limitations, dendrochronology can be a powerful tool in dating archaeological sites (Hillam et al. 1990; Kuniholm and Striker 1987).

Dendrochronology has been in use since the early 20th century (Dean 2009, 25). It has been used successfully to date southwestern U.S. sites such as Pueblo Bonito and Aztec Ruin (Dean 2009, 26). In Europe during the mid-20th century, archaeologists built chronologies that spanned thousands of years. The dendrochronological evidence helped calibrate radiocarbon dates and even provided direct evidence of global warming (Dean 2009, 26–27).

I can't say I have a stick yet marked to an event or dates. Computer time and effort...
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