Walking across the Australian desert to prove that God exists

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Walking across the Australian desert to prove that God exists

Post by SwordfishMining »

Once upon a time in 1985 actually:
Six young Christians, carrying only "a Swiss army knife, adhesive bandages, cigarette lighters and three Bibles," set out to walk over one thousand miles across Australia's Nullarbor desert in order to "prove God exists." They were later joined by a 41-year-old man.

They did so "in defiance of police warnings that the walk was dangerous, and complaints of blasphemy from religious leaders."

They made it. So they avoided winning a Darwin Award, though going on a hike in a desert without water would definitely put anyone in the running for one. Port Huron Times Herald - May 18, 1985

Picture at link: "On the last leg of their trek: Rachel Sukumaran (12), Christine McKay (15), Dane Frick (42), Robin Dunn (19), Roland Gianstefani (22), Gary McKay (16) and Malcolm Wrest (22)." Sydney Morning Herald - June 30, 1985

Posted By: Alex - Wed Aug 03, 2022
Category: Religion | Stupidity | 1980s
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