€200 BILLION Bank Fraud!! Money Laundering Machine

Important information the public should know

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€200 BILLION Bank Fraud!! Money Laundering Machine

Post by SwordfishMining »

The tale of Danske Bank. The criminals do run the system & crypto is a threat to that steady income off us.
That bank is still in business with only a 3.2 billion dollar fine it appears to be shrugging off & is still in operation.
Banks are not regulated for the most part, so Crypto will set us free of the "fiat money tricks".
You do have to watch out for grifters anywhere trying to pull Ponzi schemes on the creation of a financial alternative to being in the pocket of a "0 interest" system. Not that I wont take those frogskins for rocks or claims LOL.
I'll jump over my shadow. https://www.virginvalleyopal.com"
Opals & more at my ESTY store https://swordfishmining.etsy.com"
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