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Editorial: What I should have said....

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:20 pm
by PinkDiamond
This one's from Robert James of the ISG, and I was so impressed I wrote to him and congratulated him for saying what needs to be said, with so many people clamoring for gemstones to protect them, or to help them get whatever they're wanting, be it love, or wealth. I came to the same conclusion years ago, and declined to write a metaphysical course for the school for the very reasons he states below, so a big kudos to him for coming to the same conclusions, and not being afraid to speak out as I do when I post things giving metaphysical powers to gemstones because people shouldn't give or ascribe their innate power to gems. :)


Editorial: What I should have said....

As many of you know, I recently closed my small mineral and crystal store here in Helotes, Texas that I operated as a fun hobby along with my duties with the ISG. However, the closure was not for the reason that many people think. It was not lack of business or inventory. People drove from miles around to visit the store, and I now have a whole warehouse full of gems, minerals and crystals to play with. Those were not the reasons. The reason I closed it is because of what I was expected to tell customers. I tried to play a part that was simply not true by my own belief. So today, for all of those who came to the shop asking for assistance, here are the correct answers I should have given you.

Real questions I received:

 Q. What crystal do you recommend to protect me from negative energy?

 A. If you need protection from negative energy be kind to people, do good work toward others and you will get in return what you send out. No crystal you carry in your pocket is going to protect you from the hurtful things you do to the world around you. Get positive to those around you and you will find positive coming back to you.

Q. Can you show me which crystal will attract someone to love me?

A. If you want to attract someone to love you start having a positive attitude about yourself, get yourself in proper physical shape and go places where you will meet other positive people like yourself. Stop hanging out at trashy bars thinking Mr. Right is not really those guys slamming beers and pinching women on the butt as they walk by. That is neither the place nor the people you should be looking for, and no crystal is going to do that for you.

Q. Can you tell me which crystal will heal me from my physical condition?

A. Your physical condition is due to years of bad habits, not some energy force that any crystal can stop. A healthy lifestyle, exercise, positive outlook on life, follow your doctor’s instructions and lose 50 pounds would most likely do wonders for your physical ailments. There is no crystal that can repair your years of bad health lifestyle. Only you can do that.

Q. Do you cleanse your crystals and recharge them in the moonlight?

A. Yes, and I cover them in foil to protect them from the Death Rays from Mars. OK, bad joke. But seriously, I have worked with just about every type of crystal, of just about every size. I have never seen a single crystal needing charging, and the only thing the moonlight will do is possibly solve your desire to find a loved one if you set the right conditions. Moonlight is a reflection of sunlight, nothing more. If it was otherwise the whole earth would be recharged every night.

Q. What crystal will help my insomnia? I cannot sleep well.

A. If you want to sleep better, stop the late night eating, take a walk and get some exercise, read a book for 30 minutes before going to bed and turn off the television, computer or cell phone. Drink a warm glass of milk and not the multiple glasses of wine before bed. You will be amazed at the results.

Q. What crystal can I carry to help me get pregnant?

A. There are none. You need to check your period for maximum ovulation, then when it’s time screw your brains out. Change positions and keep going. OK, you asked so I am telling you. The only way you could use a large quartz crystal for this one would specifically not work toward getting pregnant. Get real about your expectations and look for nature’s answers within your body. If the condition continues, see your doctor. (This question was asked by a young lady to my 17 year old son while working in the store....OMG!)

I realize that there is a HUGE industry around crystal healing. Metaphysical powers and all sorts of claims of healing. The folks who either teach or practice these things on others make huge profits. I get that, and honestly don’t want to hear from you. I have 49 years in the business, much of that working with crystals of all types including the largest mining company in Brazil and just don't believe it to the point of telling people otherwise.

I can show you scientific properties of crystals that will amaze you. But if crystals would do all of the things that people claim or want to believe, I would be the most positively protected, handsome, healthy, power-charged, well-rested individual on the planet with a huge number of off-spring walking the earth.

Instead, I am just a guy who closed his mineral and crystal store because I just could not in all good conscience tell people that crystals are some kind of panacea for their life’s problems.

I could have made big money telling people the crystals would solve all their problems, but that is just not who I am. Instead, it is my belief that crystals are beautiful and amazing creations provided to us by nature and the hand of the Almighty to cherish and enjoy.

The above is what I should have said when asked. So I am saying it now.

And yes...I feel better now. Thank you for listening.

Robert James FGA, GG


Holding the famous Lava Bomb at the Dust Devil Mine, Rabbit Basin, Oregon.

Historical beauty....the rock, not me.


Questions? Contact us today 1-210-695-5520

©2020 International School of Gemology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We encourage sharing and caring throughout the industry as long as all copyrights are left intact.

International School of Gemology
PO Box 1727
Helotes, TX 78023

Re: Editorial: What I should have said....

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:30 pm
by rocks2dust
Oh, amen and amen. The reason for collecting crystals and gems is that they are beautiful, often exquisitely so, pieces of the universe around us that human artifice can imitate, but never equal. They can bring joy and delight - not from any mystical properties, but rather simply because they exist and get us back to a child-like connection to the intricacies and wonder of nature.

That said, I've bought some things from folks claiming all sorts of mystical properties - not because of those claims, but rather because the customers of those shops (and/or the seller him/her self) seemed to be ignorant of the rarity and/or identity of the item = a bargain for me. I've also seen some who know a lot about gems and minerals, and others who routinely misidentified what they were selling (there is a huge amount of bogus stuff being sold to this market). There are good and bad dealers, and whether or not one puts any credulity into mystical claims, it is imperative to know something about rocks, gems, and fakes before spending on such items.

Re: Editorial: What I should have said....

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:31 pm
by SwordfishMining
Don't worry. There are plenty of customers in regular booths also that could care less what the seller thinks. The customer is always right, right? You don't have to agree with what they think to let them think it. I wont argue with their personal experience and if they ask me I say i have these two sheets from some woo woo mystics you can read, or my Danas here I can read for you.
In my experience the value usually goes up for the added power they sense which seems to go along with the high grade, but i have no way of knowing that one is any different from the rest of the flat, better that one talking to you before somebody else has to have it is what I say. I want to only sell what i mined to get away from what tales were told me when i was out in the grown-up gem world and Ill gladly sign a certificate of origin like other mine direct supply would. That being said, I've seen specimen obsession.