Can ya feel the earth move under your feet?

What's going on out there?

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Can ya feel the earth move under your feet?

Post by SwordfishMining »

Not in history has a quake of 5 in New Jersey area been recorded since documentations have been written. No oral history in the records of any.
It is for a reason
A ground to sky energy discharge, not a down strike from a storm. Electron content/potential goes high prior to an earthquake.

It WAS warned for: @Dutchsinse on youtube. He says where the energy is going from his analysis. It showed how earthquakes follow a path and NJ was on the hit list for this week from last weeks show. AND that video I watched has been taken down by Youtube???? Watch for a 7 like this week in West Pacific where the 6 just happened. Then another 6 headed for Japan and a 6 in Indonesia. Its been written, so see if that happens or not. 4-6-24
There is a live stream everyday.= His video on the scientific method of predicting where the next quake will be.

Youtube removed his feed DURING the Taiwan earthquake. Apparently there is a MAJOR jealousy thing going on with the USGS where they will not admit, we can know when trouble is coming and the science gives us warnings in the hours before them over 80% of the time.
It is a lawfare thing where they sue anybody that is not 100 percent correct in time date and place, like the Italian researchers were pilloried for. Its just coupcoup how common sense is ignored these days.
Now it you want to delve deeper into the still waters that run oh so deep on the verge of NATO going head to head with Putin. Not all earthquakes are natural apparently. This guy is not a nobody, just like Bobolinski is not just some guy.

edit: Pinned by dutchsinse@dutchsinse 5 days ago

Well here we are 4 days later , and on March 31st suddenly the MAIN STREAM MEDIA comes out talking about the EMBASSIES and "havana syndrome"... Havana syndrome reported to be from our embassies being zapped or hit with some "unknown" weapon. Literally 4 days after putting out this smoking gun revelation from 1988 , HAVANA SYNDROME AND EMBASSIES are on 60 minutes as a full feature story?!
You just can't make this stuff up!
I'll jump over my shadow."
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