Thor-Davis experiment investigates lightning first, climate is opinions later

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Thor-Davis experiment investigates lightning first, climate is opinions later

Post by SwordfishMining »
Equipped with a specialized event-based camera, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen managed to capture this picture of a red sprite in October 2023. Image credit: ESA / DTU / A. Mogensen.

The Thor-Davis experiment investigates lightning in the upper atmosphere and how it might affect the concentration of greenhouse gasses.

The experiment is led by Danish Technical University (DTU) together with ESA. It builds upon the former Thor experiment from Andreas Mogensen’s first mission in 2015, when he also captured images of a different thunder event shooting up towards space, a blue jet. "These images taken by Andreas are fantastic,” said Olivier Chanrion, lead scientist for the Thor-Davis experiment and senior researcher at DTU Space. “The Davis camera works well and gives us the high temporal resolution necessary to capture the quick processes in the lightning.” As the red sprites form above thunder clouds, they are not easily studied from ground and are therefore mostly seen from space, including using the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) that sits on the outside of the ISS. However few sprites have been seen from the ground. (Several pictures proved they existed if you search google.)
The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) is a collection of optical cameras, photometers and an X- and gamma-ray detector designed to look for electrical discharges born in stormy weather conditions that extend above thunderstorms into the upper atmosphere. Image credit: ESA.

The Davis camera is an event camera, which works more like the human eye, sensing change in contrast instead of capturing an image like a regular camera. The power draw of an event camera is very low, on the order of a few watts while still being able to take the equivalent of 100,000 pictures a second. The speed of the camera is evident from the video below where you see the thunder strike below and then the red sprite form above. The red sprite imaged by Andreas Mogensen was roughly 14 by 26 km (8.7 by 16.2 miles) in size. It occurred above thunderclouds, between 40 and 80 km (25 and 50 miles) over the ground

08/03/2018 - 19:40
The actual mission webpage at You don't have to put the climate fraud opinion in everything you do, especially when it is reworded away from the actual science sought. "HOW DOES THE SUN AFFECT EARTH ELECTRICALLY & MAGNETICALLY?" There is also a mission & what about those Cosmic Rays that determine cloud cover?"

" In addition, the ISS is the platform that has the lowest orbit available and therefore brings us as close as possible to the phenomena we want to observe.The second reason is that we will attempt to observe in optical bands that are subject to absorption in the atmosphere. These bands are not available for ground observations.The phenomena we want to observe occur in the high-altitude atmosphere and can therefore be observed from space in the proposed bands."

How do you say Climate is run by the Sun without saying that? phenomena undefined, optical bands is radiation frequency, absorption means HOW WE GET HOT. We are talking they want to watch what the decreased magnetic field and the increased solar output are doing to the interaction levels above our heads. Plasma electricity, magnetism related to gravity, frequency of energies and how they affect Earth's atmosphere give us insight into what happens when the Parker Wave approaches and encompasses our solar system. The geologic record has a skip in it about 12,000 years long despite any other timelines of other events. Its nice they are worried, but use the actual fear it is based on, not an agenda by some coupcoup tool.

article on Cosmic Rays: ... 19JA026651

A quote from final thoughts: " Due to the complexity of the atmospheric effects on secondary cosmic rays, we believe that it cannot help to be very speculative to discuss possible physical mechanisms responsible for the relations observed in this work without waiting for proposed further analysis."
Translate that to "there is no direct evidence for the major climate drivers only being affected by bipeds".
I'll jump over my shadow."
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