reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

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reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

In case you forgot and saw the evil page he made on Facebook calling Swordfish Mining a junkyard for no other reason other than find ANYTHING bad about me to re-broadcast to steal my interested clients by slandering me. It makes me mad but as a jailhouse lawyer, to get close to him makes anybody bleed money. Oh well, rust never sleeps.
He was also active somehow in currently DOI having petrified wood banned from collection on refuges by re-classifying it as an antiquity.
I want to direct you to the rundown location he LIVES at in Watertown SD Downtown over his storefront in the old town by the junk stores and look around with street view if you think my pastoral squalor is an issue.
Chris Wentzell of Dominion Gem has been committing crimes including slander for over 3 decades looking at class D felonies and the like. Lawfare keeps him out of court Or I should say in it stealing others mines keeps him in court for entertainment. He has outlasted more than one owner.
( ... ToPdf=True) Him claimjumping Rainbow ridge after BLM told him he could not win.

For the last 30 years has been actively breaking mining laws that the BLM wont enforce for us. He has given me bad reviews without ever buying a product or naming any customer in them. He creates evil memes. He creates lying websites. BEWARE of the psychopath out to delude you. Read his terms and conditions of sale!!! Or agree with me somewhere in a comment about him being evil and you will receive a PM threatening your with civil suits if you dont remove your comments. Thats why I dont show support online. His hate goes down to the people that could like me. Must be sad to live like that, stalking a whole group of people for for revenge, us here mining American Opal trying to find good new neighbors. Not rake them in some online sale like him. He has the claimjumped Opal Queen for sale also.

I live in Virgin Valley and he lied he lived here for 20 years even renting a PO box never checked...forwarded it to his home elsewhere. I wont ever stop disclosing the actual facts he denies, because they are all TRUE. All I ever did was defend our family from him to some extents and he has always been attacking or stealing logos or even taking my mother in laws obituary and published it as his OWN like the criminal he is!

The Dominion Gem scoundrel and his father, who is also a current non resident claimjumper in Virgin Valley, are active online acting like they are legal. Make sure claim posts are even there any new clients of his!!! He promises to bury the hatchet but leaves out all the scat he made for decades. Then he never stops anyway or takes us to court to show he is not insane with his made up claims about BLM law. He has no verdict to show in any recent case to support his claim. If he did he would take us to court, not leave his buyers trespassing on a valid placer claim. The BLM considers our claims valid so why does he not? I mean they are not even filing the required Intent to Hold papers at the county as required. All his partners use his lawfare in documents.

Keep your eyes open. Whenever I do one of these exposes of him acting all prissy pointing people to the facts, he goes on the offensive and creates more anonymous memes or stories & sicced sycophants on me. Replies to messages and comments with like "I dont know the facts" as if the government did not print or record them and have it printed in papers and the news!
I have his forged signatures on jumped claims papers where he was going to hit the Bonanza Corporation next. I am making a NFT out of for historians along with our side of his attacks over the decades. Some Pencilfish he is turning out to be, claims he is superior to all.
I have a confession by him his gunman from LA, he brought in for the robbery, was the one who tried to kill him in prison for being a snitch in his own handwriting. He stated and swore to a federal court Leah <bless her memory> hired some biker to do it, besides telling all served she was a slut and sleeping with more than her husband. Not whats on the Wardens report of the incident he was put into protective custody over.

Hi Ho off we go into the war we cant escape by not attacking back.
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Re: reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

Done Deal Jochound602 on reddit IMMEDIATELY defended him in a long drawn out reply in terms from the so called "Penfish" meme criminal himself. I have no idea why that galoot from Chico is supporting the criminal. For years he has stalked me and attacked EVERY post Chris is afraid to comment on personally.
Wentzell projects and misinforms while typing anything he might think of I could say to my satisfied Opal Seminar tour buyers. That website represents YEARS and thousands and thousands of hours of conniving and wording legally. He talks while I walk the ground and mine, but he has to stop me exposing hm. That creation from prison works thru lawsuits and under the table to maintain he is above what he created facade. He has nothing but his words too support his legal arguments of he would have sued me to shut up in the last 30 years he has persecuted me. All the mines he took were for other reasons than ours. Granted unclaimed being a major one.
HERE he is "BUYING all the claims to sell back from his father who is his partner in these crimes. ... temId=5219 Pull up his entire record and you see he is projecting non existent crimes on me that he does personally all over America.
He dont mine as he claims, or there would be film. He claims and sells in direct opposition of things he said about us. Those clowns ALL need another vaccination against the next CCP bioweapon attack. For entertainment go look at the lies he scribbles across legal documents that has NO standing in any court of law, but IS GRAND THEFT.


If they shut up and let facts be posted without lying they were not true, Nothing from me would have been typed in the last 30 years of this. He has restraining orders on him due to what was discovered in his laptop when he was arrested later. He has a file on each of us and our childrens information and addresses. THATS why we watch them. The death threats at 3 am did not stop until we made the warden aware of it.
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Re: reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

UPDATE!!! BLM REJECTED Dominion Gem & Chris Wentzell federal claim in his plea in appeal to go back to last century and take Rainbow Ridge away from the Hodsons.

His placer claims were invalid arguments were rejected.

He now is really gone we pray, but can never turn our backs until after he is buried. He BULLIED here for the last 30 years the Stone Tree owners into not wasting money on a crook, frivolous lawsuit where he would not have to pay for it, so he could sell claimjumped, now proven invalid, off the top of them since they did not take him to court over the crime.

THAT is why I warn the world about this master class deceiver. Well he also sought to outdo me to take away any motive for people to talk to me, slander that is called in court, but Im not so stupid as to waste my money on a convict either.
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Re: reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

Bump to the top as they attack me with lies. Rockhound602 on Reddit is doing the convicts dirty work of lying without any facts cited like I give. He never stopped attacking me so why would I ever roll over and let a evil man win?

FRAUD WARNING: JOHN CHURCH of SWORDFISH MINING VIRGIN VALLEY OPAL in Nevada is a con-artist, Liar and Slanderer. For decades he has been selling invalid mining claims and lying about their value or whats in them, claimjumping and highgrading his neighbors claims, all the time harassing his competition Chris Wentzell at Dominion Gems. John Church is a vindictive Narcissist. He twists small facts into large lying tirades which have been proven to be false and he doesn’t stop. He was banned from facebook for attacking/harassing Wentzell and violating copyrights. Anyone doing business with John Church/Swordfish Mining or considering doing business with John Church or Swordfish Mining should reconsider. Run the other direction, the man is nothing but drama! Go read his attacking posts on his Reddit page, his Etsy Page, his Linkedin page, or anywhere else that he posts or comments. You are a mean, ill tempered person Mr. Church! Wentzell hasn’t said anything about you in over a year or two, yet you keep attacking him, over a year after he left the valley! With headlines made to appear as ‘fresh’ news that is actually many years old, with your lies twisting the true facts, solely so you can get some “attention”. Wentzell or his family have NOT committed any fraud or crimes involving any of their mining claims, but you like to say that a lot, all over the internet, while he has documented evidence that you have! I can’t even begin to address all of your lies in all of your recent posts here and elsewhere on the internet. The reason why Swordfish Mining can’t sell a claim or get any customers is because his claims are worthless, and beyond that, nobody would do business with Swordfish John after reading how he attacks others repeatedly! Even the Federal Wildlife Officials have filed complaints about you! You don’t get any good attention from the things you do, so you have to try and drag Wentzell’s name into your bs life so you can get more attention. Sad individual that you are Mr. Church! Go get your own life John Church and leave other people out of your drama and lies! The world sees thru your bs and that’s why you don’t have any customers!

My replies in all the places he posted this, 3 at least. AND he reported all the originals as hate speech to hide the truth he is trying to distract from, from people. Merry Christmas & they lose their cases New Years. Oh he lost his case to steal Rainbow Ridge so hes mad mad mad!

You spammed this pack of lies without a single link to a fact printed by someone who was not convicted of robbery and murder. Only some stupid cuck like yourself believes wholeheartedly lies from a convict.
You made it personal by asking Wentzell to write this for you. Anybody who thinks I lie... CALL any of the fee digs and ask who is honest as the day is long. Remember these people demand you do NOT ask any authorities if he is correct.
If the shoe fits smack the convict and his goons, like YOU, in the face with it and make them read the facts, not one asshats lies. You expect me to forgive some douche without him ever showing remorse? Ya'll are both tweaked.
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Re: reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

NOTE: Wentzell had his dad sell him back the claims that he sold off the claimjumped claims on my kids mine due to the BLM throwing out his arguments trying to negate Rainbow Ridges patents. Now his "mouthpiece" argues for him. Its my life buty please let me entertain you by sharing...

Chickens! Criminals! The truth hurts and he's filed "hate speech" strikes against me for warning the world about them! Loserrs cant argue in public but set goons out to argue for them. HE LOST HIS arguments to steal Rainbow Ridge Mine and BLM told him to go packing from Virgin Valley as his lodes WERE CLAIMJUMPING VALID PLACERS! THEN HIS father sold them to him, THEN he sold them to a buyer KNOWING the legal status of the prior owners was valid. How do YOU define criminal?

His sales were all theft. POOR Buyers. Go read the terms and conditions on his webpage if you doubt a single word I swear out! Show me how they could ever get their money back.

SEARCH VIRGIN VALLEY OPAL ONLINE AND YOU CAN SEE WHAT EVIL SPAMMER (from prison) DID WITH FREE SPEECH. HE LOST THE APPEAL being used for 20 years to claimjump starting from prison, which is totally illegal by the way.

He never had any justification to claimjump and sell others mines on that premise. HE LIED! Swordfish Mining has been out here for 30years or so and WHO slanders me? ONLY these ones.

DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD but the slime it made still reeks.
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Re: reminder; Chris Wentzel, Dominion Gem was convicted of robbery & attempted murder at the mine he is claimjumping

Post by SwordfishMining »

Here is his county record "staking" from prison & doing business from prison is illegal by the way:
His partner was a gay prostitute doing life for murder until he was transferred to another prison after his gang member tried to kill him for snitching, not Leah & I like he swore out in a Federal case that was dismissed, but I digress.

Revocable trust mass claiming from prison in wrong color ink
Revocable trust mass claiming from prison in wrong color ink
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