Matara Seeks to Update Pearls’ Image and Symbolism

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Matara Seeks to Update Pearls’ Image and Symbolism

Post by PinkDiamond »

If the photos in this look familiar to you it's because I posted an article about this in August where I basically said what I'm going to say again now. Assigning new symbolism to pearls or any other gemstone doesn't automatically endow the qualities they assign to them to the stones, but there are plenty of superstitious people out there who will buy into this so their campaign may actually work. My advice is don't assign any powers to gemstones that they don't actually have. ;)

Matara Seeks to Update Pearls’ Image and Symbolism
By Karen Dybis | August 15, 2023


"“The Power of Pearl” campaign, introduced this summer for Matara’s ninth anniversary, was designed to expand people’s appreciation of the gem beyond its surface beauty and to position pearls as symbols of wealth, success, and power.

Matara doesn’t want to change what pearls traditionally represent—purity, love, elegance—but would like to expand their symbolism so customers see how wearing pearls can bring good fortune, fresh energy, and new opportunities into their lives, says Matara CEO Jongjin “Jin” Jungsura.

“We believe that pearls have been widely misunderstood and undervalued at the moment,” says Jungsura, who cofounded Matara with friends Salil “Tangmo” Andraphan and Patchaploy “Prae” Matarungsombat in Bangkok in 2014. “The brand aims to showcase the true beauty, elegance, and versatility of pearls to a wider audience and foster a new appreciation for these timeless gemstones.”

The company is also looking to challenge the stereotypes and outdated notions that can be associated with pearls, according to Jungsura. “In the past, pearls were often seen as symbols of traditionalism or exclusively reserved for formal occasions. Matara aims to break free from these limitations and present pearls as a modern, sophisticated, and accessible accessory that can be worn and enjoyed on any occasion,” she says.

Matara is “rebranding” pearls with its “Power of the Pearl” campaign, associating white pearls with new beginnings, pink with love, silver/champagne with success, and black with power.

Matara debuted “The Power of Pearl” right around the time pearls were very noticeably worn by Margot Robbie at Barbie’s U.K. premiere. The initiative originated, Jungsura says, with a company brainstorming session in the spring where everyone brought their own ideas about what the different colors of pearls could mean. The team also researched what the pearl and its colors symbolize in different cultures, so the project would encompass a global perspective, she adds.

The campaign gives each pearl color a significance: White connotes new beginnings; pink represents love; silver (or champagne) is success.

Going into more detail, Jungsura explains that a white pearl symbolizes aspiration, rejuvenation, and advancement, and reminds the wearer that life comes with opportunities for renewal and transformation. The pink pearl, she says, represents unbreakable and cherished bonds between individuals and the importance of commitment.

A silver pearl should be seen as a harbinger of achievement, abundance, and opulence. “It signifies the rewards of industriousness, perseverance, and resilience,” Jungsura says. “It incites a fervent pursuit of goals fortified by passion and unwavering determination, auguring the bounties that ensue from concerted efforts.”

Matara’s packaging tells the new pearl owner about what that color symbolizes.

One of the most interesting rebrandings is that of the black pearl, which Matara has connected to the idea of power. “It exemplifies the potential to lead, inspire, and enact meaningful change,” says Jungsura. “It serves as a constant reminder that each individual possesses the capacity to effect transformative shifts in their own lives and in the world.”

The pearl campaign feels like an appropriate ninth-anniversary gift for the company and its customers, Jungsura says. “Every year, the brand wants to do something noteworthy and meaningful for our valued customers to celebrate our anniversary,” she says. “The Matara ‘Power of Pearl’ project allows us to ... " ... arl-power/
ISG Registered Gemologist

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ There are miracles left for you to do .... -:¦:- -:¦:-
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