Scam City - Bangkok The gem edition

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Scam City - Bangkok The gem edition

Post by SwordfishMining »

Scam City: Bangkok - Falling for the Gem Scam | Free Documentary Host Conor Woodman is in Bangkok, Thailand, one of the hottest cities on earth. It has been 15 years since his last visit, this time to see if the gem scam he first encountered there is still being run - and to discover another one. I use Adblocker Ultimate to remove the wasted space. The night club trolling ends around minute 17. I can't remember if it was Vincent Pardieu's videos I heard the best fake gems are available on the road to the mines or in the mining town markets. ISG donated many gem id kits to Afghanistan during the war to help our enlisted not be scammed.
I'll jump over my shadow."
Opals & more at my ESTY store"
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