Artisanal opal mining and associated environmental and socio-economic issues in opal mine sites of Wollo province, Ethio

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Artisanal opal mining and associated environmental and socio-economic issues in opal mine sites of Wollo province, Ethio

Post by SwordfishMining »

This research is conducted in Wollo province, northern Ethiopia. The main objective of the research is to assess the environmental and socio-economic impact of opal mining. The study was conducted through qualitative and quantitative data collection on the natural environment and socio-economic situation of the study area. Results showed that opal mining activity brought benefits to the local community. It improved the livelihood and food security through creation of alternative means of income, job creation and related side business opportunities. However, the negative impacts are found to outweigh the positive ones. Local communities (~ 35% of the respondents) believe that the main beneficiaries of the opal business are brokers. Absence of firm legal framework; very poor mining techniques and weak position of illiterate and uninformed small-scale miners in purchase, sales and marketing of opal undermined the benefits. Survey results showed that around 86.3% of deaths in the mining sites are caused by rock collapse. Further impacts include prevalence of disease (mainly HIV/AIDS), child labor and school dropout (up to 7%), unplanned growth and expansion of settlements, and illegal opal trading. Acceleration of soil erosion, loss of vegetation, disturbance of the natural landscape, waste rock accumulation, mass movement on steep slope and associated hazards are the main impacts of opal mining on the natural environment. It is concluded that most of the negative consequences emanate from lack of necessary support, training and proper governance of the resource development process.

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