Record-high magnetoresistance appears in graphene under ambient conditions

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Record-high magnetoresistance appears in graphene under ambient conditions

Post by SwordfishMining »

In the new research, Professor Sir Andre Geim and colleagues found that graphene exhibits a remarkably strong response, reaching above 100% in magnetic fields of standard permanent magnets (of about 1,000 Gauss). This is a record magnetoresistivity among all the known materials.

“People working on graphene like myself always felt that this gold mine of physics should have been exhausted long ago,” Professor Sir Geim said.
The most recognizable feature of graphene’s electronic spectrum is its Dirac point, around which interesting phenomena tend to cluster. At low temperatures, the intrinsic behavior in this regime is often obscured by charge inhomogeneity, but thermal excitations can overcome the disorder at elevated temperatures and create an electron-hole plasma of Dirac fermions. The Dirac plasma has been found to exhibit unusual properties, including quantum-critical scattering and hydrodynamic flow. However, little is known about the plasma’s behavior in magnetic fields. Xin et al. report magnetotransport in this quantum-critical regime. Image credit: University of Manchester.

It goes deeper into the rammifications here: ... 11827.html
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