The Humbled Trader goes to Wall Street.

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The Humbled Trader goes to Wall Street.

Post by SwordfishMining »

Day Trading Pro Visits New York Stock Exchange. You could do much worse than listen to her for advice.

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Re: The Humbled Trader goes to Wall Street.

Post by SwordfishMining »

"When the Market Drives You Crazy: Stock Market Returns and Fatal Car Accidents," Corrado Giulietti, Mirco Tonin, and Michael Vlassopoulos, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 70, 2020, article 102245.

The authors explain:

"This paper provides evidence that daily fluctuations in the stock market have important – and hitherto neglected – spillover effects on fatal car accidents. Using the universe of fatal car accidents in the United States from 1990 to 2015, we find that a one standard deviation reduction in daily stock market returns is associated with a 0.6% increase in fatal car accidents that happen after the stock market opening. A battery of falsification tests support a causal interpretation of this finding. Our results are consistent with immediate emotions stirred by a negative stock market performance influencing the number of fatal accidents, in particular among inexperienced investors."
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