The Opal Trap

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The Opal Trap

Post by SwordfishMining »

I was actually sent here to nnopals & to subscribe before watching this other video, by The Opal Mills -next post.
Great explanation of how the "business" works. There is a lot more to being a seller than having something to sell.

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Re: The Opal Trap

Post by OpalSpectrum »

good video
...but I'm afraid this isn't something you can easy explain to the beginners/amateurs -- there are too many factors to understand and without XP it's almost impossible
--- let's take value for example --- many beginners overprice opals because they think it's high grade...
not to mention about poor cutting skills ..etc

sure this might help some to sell more opals ..but only few.. most will end up in the same situation because market is full of this type of 'jewelry'

people think this is easy and cool business ...
it can be really cool ..but definitely not easy
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