Mehoose checkin in...

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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by PinkDiamond »

He's doing alright, called last night and was sounding like he's beginning to accept the idea of losing the foot, since the microsurgery apparently didn't turn out as well as they hoped, and the foot is mottled instead of pinkish, but I'm more of a mind to give it a few days to see what happens before making such a drastic decision that's irreversible.

You're right about things taking too much time today, and I think it's been like that off and on since Saturday because this keeps happening to me every day lately. I sure hope Bonnie can find the cause and make everything work smoothly again. I hate not having notifications go out so I know when someone adds a reply. Got my fingers crossed that we'll be back to normal asap. :)
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by mehoose »

Yes a wee bit difficult to change your mind after that action. I know the OH is vehemently opposed to losing any part of his legs so I hope that scenario never happens. Me? To be honest the legs don't bother me so long as I have my hands. My dear departed gran lost her leg below the knee in her late 80's and was stomping around on her prosthetic within days. She was damned if she was staying in the hospital another day longer than necessary. :lol:

How far do you have to travel to see him?
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by PinkDiamond »

He doesn't want me to go there, and has been adamant about it for some reason so others are taking things to him today. Image

Quite frankly, I don't do well in hospitals, and probably shouldn't look at his leg at this point. I'll give an update in the thread where I requested prayers for him, since he called with news first thing this morning. :?
ISG Registered Gemologist

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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by mehoose »

Gawd..i think I married his twin! :roll:
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by mehoose »

Pink! Lovely to receive your message!

Both I and my loved ones are doing other words, we've all managed to dodge this new bloomin C word, but they finally opened up Tassie on the 15th of this month and we're already heading toward 200 cases. Tassie has been locked to all visitors for the past 20 odd months.
Our Premier kept things that way until those that wanted to be vaxxed, all had the chance to do so and to at least have had 90%of us double dosed..which we were when things opened up.

I hope everyone here is doing well and had a wonderful Christmas! xo
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by PinkDiamond »

Hallelujah, mehoose and her family are safe and well. I've been concerned about all our friends in Oz since the news has shown such turmoil, so I hope things calm down and can return to as near normal as possible in '22. It's great to see you! Please keep us posted on how things are going there occasionally when you are able to, and have a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. :)
ISG Registered Gemologist

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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by SwordfishMining »

Hiya Mehoose. Glad to hear you are still kicking. I assumed you were safe in your isolation so far barring that most of us will die of something other than this. Had a hard year losing people from just things, granted the CCPV went into it.
I didn't mail any cards down under to my family or my sister either, who really sends them, due to the A postal office saying they could not deliver anything for sure and we weren't going to pay airmail for bounced letters & cards; called instead, E-cards. I know we at least got a hold of the NZ side of the cousins with Holiday wishes.
I'm buried under projects Ive started an cant finish. Every year I tell myself its the last year I'm going out selling. Time to settle down & just be a craftsman...I guess mining is in my blood tho.
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by mehoose »

Hi Pink!
Haven't been able to see my mum for the last 3 years now..with the way things are going and constantly changing with rules and regs and quarantine, different for every State,...I don't know that we'll ever get together again. I think for the last 2 years, mum has had 'freedom' for about 4-6 weeks each year and then the next strain sends her into isolation again. In her words, the telly is now her friend.

On the bright side, we had the arrival of our darling miracle GD!!!! A rocky start to life but the survivors are the fighters and she is amazing and has the most killer smile ever. LOL, I'm sure she thinks Granna lives in a tiny box...aka. the phone. Still desperate to move closer, fingers crossed that happens this year and before her first birthday.

I hope you and your loved ones have come through this unscathed.
The word here is they envisage us to all have been exposed to this latest strain within the year so hopefully the jabs are enough to keep us out of the hospitals. The worry is for the wee ones that can't be vaxed yet.

Have a brilliant New Year my lovely! xo
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by mehoose »

Hi John!
So sorry to read your family has had losses from the new 'C'.

Yes, it's either 20 or 22 months we've not allowed visitors to our Island. 10 days open and today we will reach 200+ cases..unless there's a miracle. Think it's 194 positive so far.

Yes our post has been crazy and I'd say because of hardship caused by 'C' we now have to contend with rotten mongrels following courier vans and stealing parcels as soon as they've been left by the door. They've caught them out on videos. You see one poor person/family, losing their food for the week. It's disgusting. Like you did this year, I prefer to make a phone call instead of cards.

LOL, I hear you on the WIPs!!! I say keep doing whatever it is that you're most drawn to doing. If that's mining, so be it, selling online, do it.
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Re: Mehoose checkin in...

Post by kjsspot »

Happy New Year Mehoose!
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