AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

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AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Hiya. You may have heard of the stock market manipulations going on. I'll try to educate a little. By holding these stocks, the hedge funds cant manipulate the cost. Cost goes up from artificially driven down prices. I like these stocks. NOT investment advice. You can get all the investment advice you want at these places & millions more. lol If nothing else clutch your silverware and watch the prices go up & these play out.

If you want a stock for free & another if you deposit 100 to trade, you may use my Webull link & i will get a stock too.

If you want to get in on Crypto currency trading here is a link for a free account at Coinbase who has a large learning database

Thank you for using them to start.
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Re: AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Well this thread was closest to the subject of the several.
More funnies for a Sunday.
This not working outside the home can make one sweat even more.
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Treys Trades for the truth AMC GME Squeeze tactics

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If you wanted to be in the market "squeeze" without helping the "establishment"; trading in plain sight on these platforms will prevent Citadel from manipulating your orders to bankrupt companies putting people out of work. ... 11247?s=20

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Re: AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Here is network coverage of our financial freedom thru honesty movement.
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Re: AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Good Afternoon Traders,

I made a poll yesterday asking basically if you have money to spend on amc, how much should you buy to benefit apes. The answer as posted below was overwhelmingly:"As much as you can afford. The more shares you have the more hedgies burn."

Now, I finally get to say my piece and I hope that some of you really really really let this post sink in later.

I'll be honest, I actually was going to blast someone in this group because of how ridiculous their comments were and honestly, that's just not me. It's not classy. As much as I would love to because sometimes drama's fun. That's not why we gather here and in the end, no matter how silly some comments are and how aggressive some of the comments may be (myself included) we're all apes with one goal: MAKE MONEY.
Some of you could argue you're here for the movement. Sure. thanks for your service... we're all here for money though let's be with that said let's get into it !

So I asked a fundamentally VERY important question - what do we feel helps the moass. And it's clear that the answer is IN ESSENCE:" to own as many shares as you possibly can."

The interesting thing about this is people like to pick on people who have different trading strategies and as I'm going to now demonstrate to you, it "almost" doesn't matter what you do as long your goal is to bring more money into the play. I am going to specifically be talking about AMC here.

So we all agree that the more shares you buy, the less hedgefunds have available to short the stock and bring price down.

Unless you are a whale, your transactions on any given stock trade essentially don't do a whole lot. So when you see a boom boom candle up or down, it's because A VERY VERY VERY significant amount of money "suddenly" poured in.


(SOME of the things listed below carry tax advantages and some of them don't. Some strategies might mean you have to pay short term cap gains. Some strategies don't. Each one is different.)

If you deposit money every week and increase your share count ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you have a family member send you money to buy amc shares. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you're selling an entire position to enter AMC, and increase your amc share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you're day trading other tickers and use the funds to enter AMC and increase your amc share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you're scalping AMC because you know how to and it's your way of doing things but you're increasing your amc share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you're selling a stock while it trades sideways (like amc) and re-enter and increase your original share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you sign up for a service that trades for you ANY stock you want and using the profits, you manage to increase your amc share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you slap the ask on amc and increase your share count ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you buy the dip, and average up/down and help the price bounce off support AND increase your share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you trade call options on amc or other and you use the money, whether or not it was successful, if you used the money to increase your amc share count ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you sell covered calls against your amc shares and risk having them taken but you end up making money that allows you to buy MORE amc shares and increase your share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you're SELLING puts. (not buying...selling means you're ******* up people who want to go short on it because you believe in the stock.) And you use the money to increase your share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

If you sold your personal goods just to buy more shares and increase your share count. ---> You're helping the MOASS ✅

SOOOOOOOO....... The more shares of amc get bought. The less hedgies have to burn with. The group has voted on this itself as evidenced by yesterday's poll !!

Apes, Apettes, none of us trade the same. None of us. We all have different bank account values. We all have different risk tolerances. We all have wagered a certain amount that we feel comfortable and or even sometimes uncomfortable with.

The moral here for AMC specifically.. Don't worry about what other people are doing TO INCREASE THEIR SHARE COUNT.

Some people might get taxed using a certain strategy, some people might lose money on options, some people might owe money to their credit card company, some people might owe a friend who lent them money because they thought moass was sooner and it hasnt' happened. Some people are tapped out and can't even buy anything anymore, some people might sell and miss out on moass at wrong time because they lost faith, some people will buy at the peak and have amc shares and **** up their moass play somehow and become a bagholder.

Error is a human flaw. It will exist in every form of business.

The idea is simple: Do "WHATEVER THE F* You want as long as you're buying MORE amc than you have. The strategies are endless...unlimited. JUST find a way to end up with MORE amc than you had before and you will be doing your part. That doesn't mean people won't fail or make a mistake but the idea holds true.

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Re: AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Boss, Boss.The plane.
A retail trader who quadrupled her AMC holdings to half a million dollars is trolling Citadel's Ken Griffin with plane banners and truck ads
Image ... ks-2021-11
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The plot thickens as Federal Court dismisses Class Action

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These judges who are supposed to regulate justice are proven to be criminals. We got trouble in River City.
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Re: AMC GME PSLV Squeeze plays

Post by SwordfishMining »

Fidelity the broker "made a mistake", WHAT!
11 million shares appeared overnight -NO EXCUSES for Market Manipulation.
Sen Waters in congress is not helping. The judge who is married to a hedge fund manager dropped the case against hedge funds for stealing billions last January in conspiracy.
AMC & GME is on sale for less than $30 & $180 after the "fraud" last week (cough cough) and the middle of the night trading.
It can only go up until the great crash when they reset the dollar...against: Gold, Silver & everything else you buy.
Yeah this is SUS.
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